Best Wall Street Gambling Ever

While this may be an obvious factor (and one of the renewable energy’s top selling points) so far, but compared to conventional energy grids, using solar panels ensures a much better ecology for your kids and grandkids…

How Important Are the Regional Banks?

Before you switch from a good old conventional power grid you’ve been using all your life to something as new as the solar panels, it’s only wise and natural to be interested in its durability. While each solar panel by each specific…

Are Mutual Funds Any Good?

Yet another reason to go solar is to…enhance your home’s interior and exterior appearance! As strange as it sounds, the need to install the panels, combined with tremendous savings on energy bills will give you a unique option to start enhancing…

Currency-hedged Funds

The issue of energy cost-efficiency is front and center when we talk about the solar energy. This way, the issue of whether the price is fixed or not matters. On the other hand, the Electricity from utility providers is never guaranteed a preset…

Reviewing Your End-of-year Finances

While this may be an obvious factor (and one of the renewable energy’s top selling points) so far, but compared to conventional energy grids, using solar panels ensures a much better ecology for your kids and grandkids…

The “No risk, no return” Principle

You know what real estate agents say when it comes to the… real estate’s value, right? Wrong! Here we’re talking not about the “location” thing, but rather about those additional investments you make that hike the market value for your house!